Monday, April 16, 2012

Nine Months

Our baby girl is growing up. Nine months old last week. We are having so much fun with her at this age. I read somewhere the other day that nine months is the perfect middle ground between crying and walking. It is very true - Clara is a very happy girl and it keeps getting easier.

This last month she's changed a lot as she has started scooting everywhere and sitting up. She does not stay in one spot for long! She especially likes the slippery kitchen floor.

I caught her expression when we turned the vacuum on!
She's eating more and more solid foods these days. Avocado is still her favorite, along with baby yogurt. It seems to be getting more messy, not less. Does anyone else feel like they need to give their baby a bath after every meal?

She starting to get the hang of peek-a-boo and loves to play the knock the block tower over game. Her other favorite toy is her wipes box. Isn't that how it works? She likes to sit and read books, especially when she gets a little sleepy. Her favorite book is the one that has the long green tail she can chew on!

We know time is going to keep flying by and are trying to really enjoy this stage. Now, if she would only go back to sleeping through the night..

Here are a few more of my favorites from the last few months:

Notice the bump on her head. She's braver than her abilities allow most of the time.
Happy girl playing with daddy
Future Bulldog?

1 comment:

  1. what a cutie :):):) So glad to see some more photos of you guys!!! I have no doubt that you have a future bulldog on your hands...
